5 Ways to Make Your Home More Accessible During the Holidays for a Child with a Disability


Discover five practical ways to make your home more accessible during the holidays for children with disabilities. Create a warm and inclusive atmosphere for memorable celebrations.

5 Ways to Make Your Home More Accessible During the Holidays for a Child with a Disability

Hello, thoughtful parents! As the holiday season approaches, making your home warm and accessible for your child with a disability is a wonderful way to create lasting memories. In this guide, we’ll explore five ways to ensure that everyone can enjoy the festive season to the fullest.


Decorations and Lighting

Accessible Decorations: Opt for decorations that are within your child’s reach. Hang ornaments and lights at lower heights to allow them to participate in decorating.

Sensory-Friendly Lighting: Consider using soft, warm LED lights or string lights with adjustable settings. This creates a calming atmosphere for children with sensory sensitivities.


Navigational Aid

Clear Pathways: Ensure that pathways are clear of clutter, making it easier for your child to move around, especially if they use mobility aids like wheelchairs or walkers.

Visual Cues: Use colorful tape or removable decals to create visual cues on the floor, helping your child find their way around independently.


Inclusive Activities

Adaptive Crafts: Include your child in holiday crafting by providing adaptive tools like easy-to-grip paintbrushes or large-print coloring books.

Accessible Baking: Adapt recipes to be more accessible. Use pre-measured ingredients, or involve your child in stirring and decorating.


Sensory-Friendly Spaces

Quiet Retreat: Create a designated quiet space where your child can retreat if the holiday festivities become overwhelming. Fill it with calming sensory items.

Ear Protection: Have noise-canceling headphones or earplugs on hand for events with loud noises like fireworks or holiday parties.


Communication and Planning

Visual Schedules: Use visual schedules to help your child understand the holiday plans. Include pictures or symbols to represent activities and events.

Consider Special Diets: If your child has dietary restrictions, plan meals and snacks that accommodate their needs, ensuring they can enjoy holiday treats safely.


Making your home more accessible during the holidays is a heartfelt way to ensure that every family member, regardless of their abilities, can partake in the festive spirit. By considering decorations, navigational aids, inclusive activities, sensory-friendly spaces, and effective communication, you’ll create a welcoming and inclusive holiday environment.
